- "What a night last night!! or I was so tired from last night and just wanted to sleep in"
- "Not going there today because of that one person or group of people"
- "It is too early to be there"
- "It's not entertaining enough so why bother"
- "It's been a long week, so I needed a day off"
- "There are two-faced people there"
- "The music/atmosphere doesn't suit me "
- "We have to be there for at least an hour?!"
I know it is a stretch in some aspects..but what if we used these every week for our job. We might not feel like going or even want to go to the job some days. But, we know going there will provide us sustainability to live or help keep our families alive. What if we applied that to going to church? We might not get paid with money or even by physical means, but what about "paid" or satisfied spiritually? Just a quick thought for the day.